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Cat Toy

June 11, 2009

A little Yellow Warbler is heroically defending his territory in our backyard.

birdie closeup

And which intruder is he so valiantly confronting?

Himself.  Oops!  Our family room window is being repeatedly attacked, sometimes at close range.

birdie window

And what is on the other side of that window?

rosie hunter

(The “hawk” on the window is my attempt at keeping the bird away so that he doesn’t hurt himself by crashing into the window.  No luck so far.)

The cats spent all afternoon and most of the evening sitting on the table looking out of the window.  They want that bird.  Now.

And now for a poorly made video …

(Sorry!  You’ll have to tilt your head to the left.  Obviously, I do not use this feature of my camera very often!)

One Comment leave one →
  1. crazybengal permalink*
    June 13, 2009 8:23 am

    Bwahahaha! Fantastic technique Ms. Lucas.

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