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Let’s just pretend that he didn’t say that.

March 20, 2009

I was not surprised at all that the CBC reported on President Obama’s appearance on The Tonight Show without mentioning his HUGE gaffe.  The CBC is so consistently biased that I fully expected them to completely ignore the “it was like the Special Olympics” non-teleprompter statement.

So, should I be surprised that the Star Phoenix did the same thing via a Reuters report?  An entire article to cover the President appearing on a late night talk show with nary a mention of the giant “oops”.  Actually, the version online mentions the improvement in his bowling game but omits the Special Olympics statement.  (And why is the article filed under “business”?)

This is why I get my news from the internet and why I read blogs.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. March 20, 2009 2:18 pm

    I believe the correct term for it is a “Memory Hole”.

  2. Jordan permalink
    March 20, 2009 10:45 pm

    He has hurt many families in America. He needs to say he is sorry in the public, not to an organization.

    In addition, someone who claims to have experienced prejudice and stereotypes his throughout life, and has written about them in great detail,
    should be more sensitive and refined from life’s lessons.

    During the campaign for the White House in 2008, the media criticized Palin for being ‘common,’ ‘not-polished,’ ‘not-compassionate’ and ‘not presidential.’ However, compare Sarah Palins attitude in this video created three weeks ago for the Special Olympics in Boise, Idaho.

    Has his true colors emerged?

    You decide the more ‘presidential’ among them:

  3. crazybengal permalink*
    March 21, 2009 7:48 am

    Wow – great video. I love Sarah.

  4. Emily permalink
    March 21, 2009 1:46 pm

    OH my WORD!!!… I wasn’t able to watch the President’s appearance on Leno (frankly it really bothered me that a president of the United States would be lowered to such a level… the same show that has featured zoo animals and champion hog-callers) but I cannot express how APPALLED I am, not only at his tasteless comment (no tele-prompter though so how surprised can we really be?) but also at the medias’ BLATANT and purposful ignorance of it… If President Bush has said something even HALF as bad, if would have been the lead story on the news the very next morning. Ugh. Kind of reminds me of the whole “Bust of Winston Churchill” snafoo that we never heard about in the news…

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